Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Benefits of Eating with hands

Benefits of Eating with hands
Yes!!!!! Eating with hands is a healthy practice and according to Ayurvedic practitioners, the best way to eat is with hands, but after washing them thoroughly with using only fingers, while sitting on the floor cross-legged for better digestion.
* It is said that eating with hands is a sort of muscle exercise that increases blood circulation.
* From the Ayurveda perspective, by touching food the nerves send the message to the body to prepare needed enzymes and digestive juices to digest that particular food.
* Eating with hands help improve digestion because the hands contain bacteria which is not harmful but protects the body from various damaging microbes in the environment.
* Apart from that, when we actually eat with hands, we normally eat slowly which really helps in better digestion and makes us eat less as well.
Benefits of Eating with hands

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ayurvedic herbs for Nail's health

Ayurvedic herbs for Nail's health
Taking care of your nails can help you determine the health of your body, and is essential to the health of your hands. We should trim our nails weekly, as germs can remain trapped underneath the nail and cause infection. Have a look at a few important herbs for nail's health by DrAyurveda:
* Horsetail: Soaking nails in a mixture of horsetail, helps in maintaining strong nails.
* Triphala: It helps a lot when it comes to our nail's health.
* Sunflower Seeds: It can keep your nails healthy. These seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients that are known to be great for one's nails.
Apart from that Ashwagandha, Bhringraj, and all Nuts & Seeds provide good results for nail health.
Liver health in Ayurveda: good metabolism is linked with nail health, hence Rasayaba therapy is also advised- Brahma Rasayana is also a good one to use too
Ayurvedic herbs for Nail's health

Rephrase with Ginger (Ctrl+Alt+E)

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Health Benefit of Olive

Basically Olive is a tree. And people use the oil from the fruit and seeds, water extracts of the fruit, and leaves in order to make medicines. It is used to prevent heart attack, many cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and migraine. Many people use olive oil in order to boost bacteria in the gut and as a purifier. Have a look at few other important health benefits of Olive Herb by DrAyurveda:
Health Benefit of Olive

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ayurvedic herbs for Ovulation

Ayurvedic herbs for Ovulation
Ayurvedic treatment for pregnancy is extremely effective. Apart from that, female infertility treatment in Ayurveda does not have any side effectsWomen. Infertility issues in women can occur because of ovulation failure, failure of implantation, embryonic growth due to infections, etc. Have a look at a few important Ayurveda herbs for Ovulation Health in women by DrAyurveda:* Ashwagandha: It helps a lot when it comes to ovulation health in females.
* Shatavari: Both Aswagandha and Shatavari are time tested adaptogen herbal remedies in Ayurveda recommended for both improved fertility and reducing stress. So you can use both of them.
* Guggulu: It has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicines, and it helps in this case as well.
* Banyan Tree Bark: In Ayurveda, you can use of dry fig tree bark powder with sugar. It is considered as an effective Ayurvedic medicine for female infertility.
* Sarsaparilla: This is also such an important herb for ovulation health in women.
Ayurvedic herbs for Ovulation

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Health benefits of hot lemon water with honey

Have a look at a few important health benefits of hot lemon water with honey according to Ayurveda: * Having warm lemon honey water in the morning can help boost your metabolism and immune system, which can lead to weight loss as well.
* Honey and lemon water can help improve digestion by increasing stomach acid.
* Vitamin C in lemons and staying hydrated can help reduce the effects of chronic stress.
* Honey is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory effects.
* Helps a lot in sore throat and many other health issues.
* It actually gives you an energy boost, whenever you feel low.
* Lime and honey can stabilize oil balance in your skin in order to make it look clean & soft.
Health benefits of hot lemon water with honey

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ayurveda Herbs Benefits by Dr Ayurveda Official

Maintain a healthy lifestyle with Dr Ayurveda. Get to know a few important details about Ayurveda with Dr Ayurveda. Adapt Ayurveda for life and Stay Healthy.
Ayurveda Herbs Benefits by Dr Ayurveda Official

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Ayurvedic Herbs for ADHD

Ayurvedic Herbs for ADHD
People with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active. Although ADHD can't be cured, it can be successfully managed and some symptoms may improve as the child ages. Have a look at a few important herbs for ADHD by DrAyurveda: 
* Holi Basil: It has been successfully used to relieve mental fog, cloudy thinking, poor memory and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
* Ashwagandha: It's believed to have calming effects on the mind and may help with focus and attention by reducing stress and anxiety.
* Jatamansi: It is often used in ADHD in order to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety.
* Gotu Kola: It is basically used to support mental clarity, improving focus and overall brain health.
* Shankhpushpi: It is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system, which may help with focus and concentration.
Ayurvedic Herbs for ADHD